Sevareid-Inspired Pair Making Great Time

10 Jun

Back in May, HERE, we told you about recent high school graduates Sean Bloomfield and Colton Witte who were attempting to replicate Erc Sevareid and Walter Port’s 1930 canoe trip from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay.

Sevareid, of course, made the trip famous in his book Canoeing with the Cree.

Bloomfield and Witte have made remarkable time, so far. They’re currently on Oxford Lake in northern Manitoba. The pair put Lake Winnipeg behind them last week and left Norway House, at the far northern end of the lake, on June 6. They are now roughly 500 miles from Hudson Bay.

Nick Coleman, a columnist at the Minneapolis Star Tribune, has been captivated by the trip. His latest story on the paddlers is HERE.

You can also follow the duo’s progress, HERE, on their trip web site.

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