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Dropping a Canoe 100 feet – New TuffStuff by Nova Craft Canoe

9 Jan

Hold your breath as our friends at Canada’s premier canoe-maker Nova Craft drops a gorgeous new canoe 100 feet to see if it would survive and still be seaworthy. Here’s what they say about it: “To further test the strength of our newest composite canoe material, TuffStuff Expedition, we decided to drop a canoe from […]

A New Canoe from Nova Craft – the Moisie

14 Dec

Nova Craft Canoes announced its new Moisie 16’6, a dedicated whitewater tripping canoe. The Moisie 16’6 was created to carry a big load and still handle whitewater with ease. When it comes to whitewater tripping, from side slipping, surfing waves and ferrying in and out of rapids to moving quickly and tracking well in flat sections, […]