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A Race to Uncover the Past

14 Sep

Whether or not we’ll all be lucky enough to paddle the Far North, we like knowing it exists as a canoeing destination. It’s kind of like Everest or Denali to mountain climbers. That’s why we’re keen on learning about environmental changes and what they mean for the delicate tundra landscape. Permafrost–a layer of permanently frozen […]

The Lake Monona Water Walk celebrates clean water

1 May

The Lake Monona Water Walk celebrates clean water

Ojibwe grandmother Josephine Mandamin has walked around each of the Great Lakes, starting with Lake Superior. She says it gave her the chance to get to know the majesty and power of that lake on a personal level. And once you see how pure and clean it is, she says, “You want it to stay […]

More to come…

16 Jun

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