Plan Ahead for National Canoe Day

20 May

Leave it to our sensible friends to the north to honor the humble canoe with a national day of recognition. On June 26, the canoe—officially named one of Canada’s seven wonders in 2007—will be celebrated with the third annual Canadian National Canoe Day.

Last year, the Canadian Canoe Museum hosted a party in Peterborough, Ontario, as did canoeing enthusiasts in London, Windsor, Toronto, Yellowknifeeven cities in the United States and the UK. Turnout was so inspiring, they’re at it again this year. The Museum has another party in the works, and organizers are encouraging citizens across Canada, the U.S. and the world to host parties of their own, creating a “citizen-driven annual celebration” of the canoe.

To find a National Canoe Day event near you, or for tips on how to plan a party of your own, visit the National Canoe Day web site, HERE. For a little inspiration, you can find the 1st National Canoe Day Proclomation HERE.

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