Paddling to Protect Oceans

17 Oct

Do you appreciate healthy oceans?

Would you paddle a canoe 2,500 miles to protect them?

Margo Pellegrino does … and has. The 41-year-old Medford Lakes, New Jersey mother paddled her outrigger canoe the 2,000 miles from Florida to Maine in 2007 raise ocean health awareness. This year, she paddled from Long Beach Island, New Jersey to Washington, DC, collecting SOS messages — Save Our Seas — from citizen along the way to deliver to lawmakers.

Pellegrino, who will receive an award for her efforts from Monmouth University’s Urban Coast Institute later this month, is profiled in THIS Philadelphia Enquirer story.

“I’m really concerned about the future of the oceans’ resources and what impact their health will have on my children’s well-being,” Pellegrino, a mother of two said in the story.

Next April, Pellegrino plans a Mexico to the Everglades journey followed by a Pacific Coast paddle.

You can keep up with energetic the paddler/environmentalist at her web site, HERE.

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