Minnesota Canoeing and Kayaking Podcasts

18 May

Minnesota’s reputation as the land of 10,000 lakes is well earned, but did you know that Minnesota also boasts 30 water trails for canoeing and kayaking? The Minnesota DNR manages over 4,000 miles of water trails on the north shore of Lake Superior and rivers throughout the state.

This spring and summer, the Agency is producing podcasts on each water trail, featuring Lynne and Bob Diebel, authors of Paddling Northern Minnesota and Paddling Southern Minnesota. The Diebels, who paddled over 2,500 miles of river to research their books, share personal stories and highlights from each river, including tips if you plan to paddle one yourself.

Two new podcasts, which are four to five minutes each, will be posted every week. Check them out, HERE. The DNR also provides water level reports and other trip planning resources on their website, HERE.

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