Canoebadour Paddling to His Gigs

21 Jul

Christopher Bell, a Jamestown, New York-based folk musician, is using a canoe to travel from gig to gig on his six-week, 11 engagment tour of his home state. 

The 22-year-old “canoebadour” pushed off into the Niagara River yesterday with plans to finish his tour in New York City on September 4.  Bell intends to cross the state from west to east using the Niagara River, the Erie Canal, and the Hudson River.

Bell told the Buffalo News, HERE, that doing his job without the use of gasoline is part of his motivation for traveling by canoe.  He also seems to have a sense of adventure.

“Mind you, I haven’t done a long canoe trip in probably 10 years,” he told reporter Jessica Vosgerchian. “I usually don’t let things like knowledge and experience stop me.”

If you can’t make it to any of Bell’s gigs, you can listen to some of his music, HERE, on his MySpace page.

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