Books: Michigan Rivers Less Paddled

5 Mar

Michigan paddler, beer drinker, and Detroit Tigers fan Doc Fletcher is back with a second book: Michigan Rivers Less Paddled: The Rivers, the Towns, the Taverns. The guidebook is a companion to last year’s Weekend Canoeing in Michigan, a book we reviewed HERE.

Fletcher, you may remember, is the intrepid author who not only describes the water and the paddling for the rivers he reviews — 21 rivers in Upper and Lower Michigan in the case of the latest book — but also reviews the nearby taverns, relates bits of local history, and dials his readers to local radio coverage for his beloved Tigers.

Rivers Less Paddled, not surprisingly, sports the same style and tone as Fletcher’s 2008 book. Along with basics on how to get to and down his rivers, Fletcher seasons the descriptions with his trademark river quotes (“Dad, how many mosquito bites until we run out of blood?”) , river soundtracks (lists of classic rock and country songs to paddle by), and reference after reference to his beloved refreshment, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.

Mixed in with all the tomfoolery is a decent, if basic guidebook. Fletcher has chosen river stretches that can be paddled in a single day and which are serviced by a canoe or kayak livery. The author offers detailed descriptions of what a paddler will encounter en route.

The book is written in a do-it-yourself style, which could put off some readers. It also lacks detailed maps of the routes and how to get there. (Consult Jerry Dennis’ and Craig Date’s Canoeing Michigan Rivers for maps and more straight-forward description.)

Still Fletcher and Rivers Less Paddled provides good info for low-key, short duration trips all across Michigan … and some fun and games along the way.

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