An Allagash River Library

7 Jul

We stumbled across Dan Crowley’s Latitude Somewhere, Longitude Who Cares blog recently.  Crowley, the sports editor of the Falmouth Massachusetts Enterprise, writes about wilderness travel on the site.

Last week, HERE, he posted a nice survey of books written about Maine’s Allagash River and its environs.  The Allagash runs through what many consider the wildest patch of land in the eastern United States.

Most paddler/readers, of course, know of Henry David Thoreau’s The Maine Woods, easily the most-read work on the region.  Crowley, though, highlights a shelf-load of books about the area that would give a would-be Allagash paddler a deep understanding of the area Thoreau visited three separate times.

 Crowley is planning his third trip to the Allagash, himself, this August.

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