Archive | June, 2012

Bill Mason Honored at the Canada Science and Technology Museum

26 Jun

Bill Mason Honored at the Canada Science and Technology Museum

A new exhibit at the Canada Science and Technology museum, in Ottawa, Ontario, celebrates a man we associate with the art of canoeing, rather than technology: canoeing legend, filmmaker and photographer Bill Mason.

Celebrate National Canoe Day!

19 Jun

We’ve always liked those Canadians. In 2007, more than 1 million of our neighbors to the north voted the canoe one of the Seven Wonders of Canada. To celebrate, the Canadian Canoe Museum in Petersborough, Ontario established National Canoe Day. Now, June 26 is reserved for the annual appreciation of the age-old watercraft.

Check out the first issue of Canoeing News!

12 Jun

Check out the first issue of Canoeing News!

We’ve been making some exciting changes at this summer! We added a Far North Paddling Guide, launched a section on canoe repair, and now, we’re launching News.

New on Far North Paddling

5 Jun

New on Far North Paddling

We’re thrilled to announce that has a new section for the advanced paddler: Far North Paddling!